Verdun, September 1st, 2012 “What you see in reality, these souls see through faith. Oh, how pleasing to Me is their great faith!”(Diary of St. Faustina, no. 1420) Dear disciples of the Divine Mercy,The Sovereign Pontiff Benedict XVI in his Apostolic Letter in the form of Motu proprio, Porta Fidei, promulgates the Year of Faith (October 11th 2011).“It will begin on 11 October 2012, the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, and it will end on the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Universal King, on 24 November 2013. The starting date of 11 October 2012 also marks the twentieth anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, a text promulgated by my Predecessor, Blessed John Paul II, with a view to illustrating for all the faithful the power and beauty of the faith. This document, an authentic fruit of the Second Vatican Council, was requested by the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops in 1985 as an instrument at the service of catechesis and it was produced in collaboration with all the bishops of the Catholic Church. Moreover, the theme of the General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops that I have convoked for October 2012 is “The New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith”. (www.vatican.va)On a different note, we present to you the program of activities for 2012-2013 at Devotion to the Divine Mercy. They begin on September 28th, 2012 at 3:00 pm with the recitation of the chaplet to the Divine Mercy on the street, in front of the Sacred Hearth of Jesus statue, at the corner of Wellington and Galt streets. This witness was suggested to us the year after the beatification of Father Sopocko, the spiritual director of Saint Faustina, on September 28th, 2008, by a Polish group named ISKRA. Their website is: www.iskra.info.plThe celebration of the Feast of Saint Faustina takes place on October 5th at 2:00 pm in Notre Dame des Sept Douleurs church (Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows), in Verdun. As usual, the recitation (individual) of the novena to Saint Faustina, from September 26th to October 4th, is a good way to prepare for this feast.We are offering you the prayer composed by Saint Faustina during her sufferings, available at the cost of $ 0.15, and 100 images and more for $ 0.10 each. As you may have noticed, our postal address has changed. We thank you for paying particular attention to our new address, in effect since one year: 284 de l’Église street / Verdun, QC H4G 2M4 / Canada.Let us ask Saint Faustina to obtain for us a solid living faith, so that we get to know the Merciful Love.May Jesus fill you with the blessings of His Mercy.Gisèle Joannette, Pres. of the Board of Directors CHAPEL 284, de l’Église Street Verdun, QC H4G 2M4 (basement of the church)CHURCH 4155, Wellington Street Verdun, QC H4G 1V8 P.S. Our new postal address is: 284, de l’Église Street, Verdun QC H4G 2M4 (CANADA) Our new fax number is: (514) 362-8091 Download the newsletter (.pdf) |